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Exploring the Concept of the Afterlife: Why Some People Don't Believe and Others Do with or without a NDE. Meditation is the doorway to Enlightenment and the class begins October 1st.

Barbara's (JC) Blog ~ Mystic, Medium, & Healer


In the vast realm of existential questions that have puzzled humanity for millennia, few strike at the core of our being more profoundly than the uncertainty surrounding the afterlife. The enigma of what lies beyond our earthly existence has sparked endless debates, fueled by personal beliefs, religious doctrines, and, for some, vivid encounters with the unknown. But what happens when one is faced with the fragility of life through a Near-Death Experience (NDE), only to return to a world still steeped in skepticism?

Imagine waking up every day without the certainty of tomorrow, not knowing if there is a divine plan or a higher purpose waiting beyond the threshold of this life. How does one reconcile the mundane routines of daily existence with the looming specter of mortality, shrouded in the mystery of what lies ahead? These are the profound questions that linger in the minds of those who grapple with the concept of an afterlife, seeking answers.

For those who have glimpsed the shadows of death through NDEs, the experience can be both unsettling and enlightening. While some emerge from the brink of eternity with an unwavering belief in a realm beyond our comprehension, others find themselves adrift in a sea of doubt, struggling to make sense of the ethereal visions that have touched their souls. The dichotomy between faith and skepticism, hope and uncertainty, forms the crux of our existential journey, shaping the way we perceive the enigma of life and death.

The notion that the soul transcends the confines of the physical body is not a new concept. Throughout history, mystics, sages, and spiritual seekers have delved into the depths of consciousness, seeking connections with the unseen realms that lie beyond our earthly senses. The idea of communicating with the departed, of receiving messages from the beyond, speaks to a profound longing for connection that transcends the boundaries of time and space.


As we navigate the labyrinth of existence, grappling with the impermanence of our earthly being, the quest for truth and enlightenment becomes a beacon of hope in the darkness of uncertainty. The pursuit of knowledge, the thirst for understanding, drives us to seek answers to the most profound questions that haunt our collective consciousness. To live each day with the awareness that our time is finite, that our journey on this plane is but a fleeting whisper in the eternal cosmos, is to confront the very essence of our humanity.

In the tapestry of life and death, of beginnings and endings, there exists a thread of continuity that binds us all. The search for meaning, for purpose, for a glimpse of the divine light that guides our souls through the mists of eternity, is a journey that each of us must undertake in our own way. Whether through NDEs, mystical experiences, or quiet contemplation, meditation, the quest for truth transcends our earthly confines, reaching towards the infinite expanse of the unknown.

And so, we are left to ponder the enigma of the afterlife, to grapple with the mysteries of existence, and to embrace the whispers of eternity that echo in the chambers of our souls. Through the words of those who have walked the threshold of death and returned, through the visions of seers and mystics who have glimpsed the realms beyond, we are invited to explore the vast expanse of the unknown with courage and curiosity. For in the journey towards enlightenment, towards truth and understanding, lies the essence of our humanity and the promise of eternal life.

CLASS ON ZOOM BEGINNING FOR EVERYONE - minimum age 16. No experience necessary. Channeled and Trance Channeled Messages from the Realms of Light. Create a Direct Experience with Energy, Light, Truth and to Gain Knowledge.

Class begins Tuesday, October 1st on Zoom at 6:30 to 8:00pm MT

The gathering will be held once a month to begin, unless the group wants to meet more often.

Cost for this is $45. once a month. Contact Barbara through this site or directly at


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