Intuitive and Meditation Zoom Classes
To understand the immeasurable, the mind must be extraordinarily quiet, still.
-Jiddu Krishnamurti
Prayer is speaking to the Higher Power or God of your understanding.
Meditation is listening for the wisdom from the Realms of Light.
Spiritual Readings give you more information with which to make better choices. Often the information is "as it is seen now." Since possible futures await, conscious manifesting creates more positive outcomes.
Email for our schedule and how to become a part of one of our classes.
I am co-presenting another Complimentary Zoom session with Ned Matinnia on 8/1 @ 7pm MT.
This gathering is now filled. Connect to get on the mailing list for future events.
“Read a little. Meditate more. Think of God all the time.”
― Paramahansa Yogananda.
During this class we discussed how we got to where we are now in life and how to get to where we want to be next, by accessing the Light. We discussed UFOs aka UAPs, and their presence. Much more was tapped into including participants receiving personal messages from the Light. Some are calling me Barbara Jo and I love it! I am center in the very top row. If you have questions about our gatherings let us know.
We connected with Divine Guidance including, but not limited to:
Masters of Light
Parmahansa Yogananda
Chief Joseph
Divine Mother
The messages from these enlightened ones and others were to promote peace within ourselves and extend that high vibration of energy out into the world.
After this gathering, people noted the energy they felt coming into them from the Realms of Light
for their healing was powerful.
I thank those in attendance who allowed their pictures to be on our website. For those
who did not want to be seen but participated in the healing, we thank all of you for your participation in holding and emitting more Light and Love to one another and our planet.