Paul and Debbie - A Love Story with Afterlife Messages
The story of Paul and Debbie is a love story that ended too quickly. Paul was shocked and devastated by the sudden death of his wife. Then, from the afterlife, Debbie spoke to us.
This picture was taken on their honeymoon, a Mediterranean cruise. The two exchanged vows on deck just after sunrise one morning. If you ask Paul how long they were together, he would tell you, "not long enough."
I can feel Debbie's presence as I write about them and their short-lived time of thirty-one months and thirteen days.
Paul was a friend, and when Debbie and I saw each other on FaceTime, she was smiling, lovely, and so sweet. I feel that Paul can best tell this, and so I turn the remainder over to him.
From Paul ~
"I want to preface our story, Debbie and mine, with what began as 'signs' I did not know how to interpret at the time. Barbara shocked me to my core when she gave me messages from a man I had spent thirty-five years of my life researching and writing about, Charles "Sonny" Liston. You don't have to like boxing, brutal as it was and is, to find this story truly amazing.
A few times, Sonny conveyed personal messages to me through Barbara, one of which provided me with the most memorable experience of my life. On March 19, 2012, Sonny showed Barbara the number seven and told her to tell me about it. As far as I knew, the number held no significance for Sonny, nor was it prominent in his boxing career. Then, on May 3, Sonny again mentioned “lucky number seven.” He told Barbara to tell me: “Remember that, and you can tell Jon about it.” Jon Sorkin is my cousin, and we’ve always been very close. On May 4, I was visiting him at his home in Northbrook, Illinois. As we stood in his driveway, the approaching rainstorm had given the suburban Chicago sky an eerie and almost iridescent quality. I was thinking what a tense ride into the city I was about to have when Jon looked up and said, “Look, Paul, there’s a perfectly formed 7 in the cloud right above us.” It was indeed perfectly formed, and I probably wouldn’t have seen it had Jon not brought it to my attention.
The number 7 would come to have great significance in my own life, though I didn’t know it at the time. I met my wife, Debbie, three and a half years later. I lost Debbie suddenly, 31 months after we met. Debbie’s birthday was July 7 (7/7), and she took great pride in that. I believe Sonny already knew I would meet the love of my life, and that was why he twice told me about 'lucky number seven.' It would lead to the single most memorable experience of my life, along with the greatest gift I have ever received.
Debbie passed away on the morning of April 16, 2018. She asked me to get her a cup of hot tea with lemon, and when I returned to our bedroom seven or eight minutes later, I found her motionless in the middle of our bed with a small green towel over her face. The autopsy revealed that Debbie passed from a heart attack. After the EMTs left our home, I had to call her mother with the terrible news that her baby had passed.
My second call was to Barbara, whom I had not seen since moving back to Chicago in 2015. Later that day, Barbara called to say that Debbie’s Spirit was reaching out to her. She asked me if there was a table in the corner of the room where I sat.
I was seated in our living room, with our dining room table in the corner opposite the couch on which I was sitting. She described Debbie as joyful as her Spirit hovered above the table, and she giddily asked Barbara if I could see her. Next to Debbie was a woman named Anne with an E. Anne was my mother’s name, and nothing would have given Mom greater joy than for me to have gotten married while she was alive. She would have loved Debbie even more than she loved me. Barbara said Anne called Debbie ‘tattala’, an affectionate Yiddish word my mother often used when speaking to children, even grown children. She was the only person in my family who used that word.
The next day, I wondered why Debbie had placed the towel I found on her face when I discovered her lifeless body.
I asked Barbara if she had any insight. Barbara told me that Debbie had seen a light so bright that she put a nearby towel over her face to block its intensity. At that time, Debbie hadn’t realized the Light she was seeing was from the Realms of Light and God. Barbara had a near-death experience in 1988 and was familiar with this Divine Light Debbie described to her. I am so grateful the Light surrounded Debbie.
Two days later, the most memorable experience of my life occurred. It was late in the afternoon when Barbara phoned me. Debbie had been insisting that she call me and wouldn’t take no for an answer. Barbara said she felt uncomfortable and a little embarrassed due to the intimate content of Debbie’s message. Barbara asked me if there was a hallway next to our bedroom. We lived in a three-story condominium, and there was a six-foot hallway on the third floor between our bedroom and an area that Debbie used as her art studio. Barbara told me that Debbie was waiting for me in that narrow hallway with a playful, precocious, and highly provocative smile on her face. She was in the Light, wearing a short, white nightie with a flower pattern on it. Barbara said the only reason she could see the garment was because it had a turquoise, bluish tint, which made it visible to her. Debbie’s favorite color was turquoise.
When Debbie passed, the funeral home asked me for a photo of her to be used at her service. I ended up using the photo that I had on my nightstand, but I looked for others before making that decision. Debbie had two boxes of family photos on a shelf in our bedroom, which had not been looked at in the two-plus years I lived with her. I reached into the top box and pulled out 10 or 12 photos, two of which mesmerized me. They were pictures of Debbie at the age of nine or ten. She was holding a treat for the family dog. The look on her face was one of pure joy. Debbie was wearing a very short white nightie with a pattern of something I could not identify. I put those two photos on the credenza in our living room, and I looked at them at least 20 or 25 times on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, the day of her service. Barbara said Debbie told her to tell me about the photos to understand she was with me and watching me as I looked at her pictures. Debbie was adamant that I needed to realize she knew what I was doing.
The information from Debbie proved to be essentially the same thing Sonny showed me by providing Barbara with almost six dozen facts about his life and career that she could not possibly have known. I consider both instances to be absolute proof that we don’t die. We do not die!
Later that night, I called my mother-in-law and asked her about the pattern on Debbie’s nightie. She told me they were flowers, just like Barbara said." --- Paul Gallender