The motivation behind my book was driven by a sense of personal calling and purpose. Its aim is to enlighten, offer comfort, facilitate healing, and inspire happiness through the presentation of evidence supporting the existence of the Afterlife.
As I walked through the house tonight, Divine Guidance spontaneously and clearly stated the following to me about my book:
"It is a Miracle and Miracles are for Everyone! Each example you give of Spirit Communications is miraculous. This book is a Miracle!"
How could I not respond with action to such a powerful communication from the Realms of Light? It inspired me, fueling my motivation to write more, achieve more, and fully recognize my worth. Many of my clients are hoping for Absolute Proof of the Afterlife. Following the loss of a husband, child, parent or pet, this is what we want to know: Where did they go? Do they know I miss them? I hadn't looked at my book as a miracle before, but simply a work of truth and facts that have been verified. Now, in seeing it as a Miracle, I am in awe of the Miraculous who grants us Miracles on daily.
This is what I want to offer to you:
Realize your worth.
Miracles are for Everyone.
Your loved ones are close.
You will reunite with your loved ones when you have completed your learning here.
In the Light, the Afterlife, you are not your race or religion. You will not have to identify as male or female. You will be love and loved.
When I saw my dad after he passed into the Light, he looked the same. He did so that I would recognize him.
After crossing into the Light, the frail body is no longer an entrapment, nor is illness or injury.
Embrace the present, learn, and love everything you can because tomorrow is already assured.
Blessings and Miracles from the Realms of Light and all that I am.