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Is a Go-Between Necessary to Connect to God, or Can You Do It Yourself?

Barbara's (JC) Blog ~ Mystic, Medium, & Healer

On numerous occasions, I have been requested to offer prayers for individuals who are unwell or have recently departed. Additionally, I have been approached with offers for prayers on my behalf.

There is a clear differentiation between individuals offering prayers for your well-being and protection and those who pray to a higher power on your behalf while implying an inability on your part to establish a direct connection with the Divine Source, the Creator, or the universal energy. You and your Source are never separate even when you turn away.

It has been a prevalent practice, and regrettably continues to be so, for religious leaders to claim to intercede on your behalf. I want to be clear about this. If you are ill and someone prays for you, they do more than they know. They are drawing upon the Light and sending that needed extra energy to help you. This is powerful in healing the sender and the receiver. What I object to is the false teaching that you need someone to speak to God for you.

When I am communicating and bringing you messages from the Realms of Light, it is not because you can't do it ever. You simply are not doing this now, but you will one day.

I strongly advocate for individuals to establish a connection with God during their lifetime, as it is inevitable that they will encounter their Creator upon departing from this world.

It is imperative to understand that my assertions are based on firsthand experience rather than mere speculation or wishful thinking. I do not rely on hope when affirming the existence of a higher power; instead, I possess a firm conviction based on personal knowledge. Likewise, I do not express desires for divine acknowledgment, but rather a deep-seated awareness of such interaction.


Consider your interactions with Source in a manner akin to that of a parent, grandparent, childcare provider, or educator, You want your child or student to come to you for help, love, guidance, and healing. You want to be able to tell them, show them, protect them. And you wait, patiently and lovingly, for the day they will turn to you.

Until that moment arrives, divine messengers, educators, and embodiments of love and virtue are sent by the higher power to Earth. Their purpose is to demonstrate to humanity the potential that exists within each individual. Subsequently, a period of waiting ensues as God anticipates the moment when individuals will shift their focus towards the divine light, their ultimate Creator and the origin of their very being and life.


There is significant unrest on a global scale, a recurring failure to recognize one's divine nature throughout history. Mystics, a timeless presence, have long conveyed divine messages. These messengers, including ourselves, offer communications from departed loved ones. Just as Christ,Yeshua did before, we emphasize the potential for individuals to emulate their actions and achieve even greater feats. You are destined to manifest the qualities of a proactive Christ, rather than passively succumbing to feelings of helplessness and confusion.

There are restrictions in religious teachings on being a Medium or being gay, which change with different religious leaders. Humans distort God's word, which goes beyond what the Bible teaches. I am communicating with the God of Light daily. However you now know and understand this power, force, and Love, this is your experience. I am sharing mine.

God does not require men and women to sit seperately during their spiritual devotions. Women are not outcasts from the Great Spirit during the time of their menstrual cycle. Indeed, women are co-creators with Source, birthers, and a part of the miracle of life. God, Goddess all that is, Mother, Father God, is one Light and Source.

It is not my intention to diminish the Bible's teachings, only to bring to awareness that while its original intent was of God, humanity, as it too often does, altered it to fit its desires for control, greed, and power. Omissions were made and false fears were installed.


If you want inner peace, go within. If you want inner healing, go within. Learn if you don't know how to pray effectively and meditate effectively. What you want to master usually requires dedication and repetition. A ballet dancer might be born a prodigy, but most often, they work to master their skills. I was born able to see and communicate with the Light and the Realms of Light. But, I still use prayer and meditation to continue listening so my doing can be perfected.

When you want something enough, you must be willing to learn how to acquire that quality or ability. You are a Light, a Spiritual Being, and you forgot. That is all that happened. You can awaken anytime, but it has to always be your choice.

So many Messengers of Light are present and ready to assist you on your journey to uncovering and recovering the truth of who you are. And, many Ascended Masters walk amongst humanity unseen with their deeds unnoticed.

Choose a teacher who mirrors your Light back to you, who sees your strength, and who offers unconditional acceptance.

You will always be drawn to a teacher who can only teach you at the level at which you are willing to go at that exact moment. This means that, like the school system, a first grader will be taught by a first-grade teacher, and so on. This does not indicate that the teacher does not know more, but that this is their specialty to teach you at your current level.


Throughout my life, I have been guided by spiritual teachers from the Realms of Light, including God, Christ (Yeshua), Padre Pio, and Mother Cabrini. Despite a difficult childhood, I persevered and dedicated myself to my spiritual path, learning various forms of meditation, with God ultimately teaching me the practice I still use today.

Do not give up because someone says you are doing your prayers or meditations wrong if you are not progressing to a conscious connection. You are doing what you know, and when you discover what works for you, your aha moments will come.

I instruct and support others in meditation, but my "I" is really a "We" because the energy from the Light comes to me and through me to support and supercharge your activations. That sounds like a lofty statement, but I make it because I see it happen consistently.

Become the most extraordinary version of yourself by accepting and being who you authentically are here and now. Then, tomorrow, you will arrive on time. Blessings!!!



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