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Barbara's (JC) Blog ~ Mystic, Medium, & Healer

Updated: Feb 12, 2022

Endings are a time for your preparation to begin something new. This sounds basic, but it can be challenging. When someone you love passes, it feels difficult to think of starting your life anew. And yet, that is what the person who passed into the Light is doing. Your loved one is reviewing their life. They find where they are best suited to continue their spiritual development.

Your loved one wants the same spiritual growth for you after they passed from this physical life.

If you want to honor them, begin, renew, or accelerate your spiritual practices. Start or continue with a consistent prayer and meditation time. You may be pleasantly surprised when you hear, feel, or see your loved one if you do this.

How you communicate with one who has passed into the Light can take many forms. Sometimes you are blessed and ready to see the person with your physical eyes in the body they had when you knew them. Other times you hear their voice in your head. Or perhaps you dream of them, and the dream feels completely real. It is! A loved one might present you with gifts by leaving you a feather, coin, or you receive unexplainable help when most needed.

If you learn to discern their presence, it will be worth your time, for yourself and the one who has gone into the Light.


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