In a world saturated with information and beliefs, skepticism can serve as a guiding light, cutting through the noise to uncover the essence of truth. For me, skepticism has been more than just a mindset; it's been a way of life—a litmus test through which I navigate the complexities of the world. My journey has been marked with experiences that have challenged my beliefs, shattered illusions, yet ultimately led to profound moments of healing.
An Unwavering Testimony of Experience
As a self-proclaimed skeptic and a Spiritual Medium and Channel for the Light, my quest for truth has always been steeped in the tangible—the realm of experience and observation, including the Realms of Light. It is through firsthand encounters with life's seemingly inscrutable events that I have made discoveries of God's love in the face of uncertainty. Every heartache, every triumph, every moment of stillness has become a pillar on which I stand, unwavering in my pursuit of truth.
Turning Heartbreak into Healing
Life's tapestry is woven with threads of joy and sorrow, hope and despair. Amidst the heartbreaks that have tested the very fabric of my being, I discovered a profound purpose—to help others heal and to teach that there is no death. Through my own experiences of pain and resilience, I extended a compassionate hand to those navigating similar storms. In sharing my journey, I found that healing isn't just the mending of wounds; it's the alchemy of turning suffering into empathy, scars into sources of strength.
Illuminating Minds with Celestial Evidence
In the vast expanse of the universe, there exist phenomena that defy explanation—moments of extraordinary beauty and wonder that elude the grasp of logic. It is these celestial evidences, these glimpses into the ineffable, that I offer to educate and illuminate inquiring minds. From the dance of the stars to the mysteries of the cosmos, each revelation serves as a testament to the boundless mysteries that lie beyond our understanding. My Proof-of-Afterlife or NDE and meeting with God in 1999, gave me an unshakeable and unfathomable knowingness of eternity.
Gratitude and Love - The Light from your Soul, Not the Color of your Skin,
is Your Identity.
Gratitude and Love are what guides me on my earthly journey. Grateful for all that I have learned, both in moments of clarity and in the shadows of doubt, I now choose to tread the path of knowledge more gently. Each lesson, each encounter, is a gentle nudge towards deeper understanding—a reminder that in the pursuit of truth, patience and humility are the truest companions. God made us all alike in Spirit. There are no black or white, brown or red, better or worse souls. Our ego and its constant struggle to reclaim our soul's purpose continue to cause war and struggle. Love is the only answer, coupled with self-love and honoring the God, the Light in ourselves and everyone we meet.
As I reflect on the twists and turns of my skeptic's odyssey, I invite you to join me in embracing the path of truth—a path marked with uncertainty, yet illuminated by the unwavering light of experience and observation. Let us walk together, with open minds and compassionate hearts, towards a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world that surrounds us. In my book, The Immense Release (on Amazon in Kindle and paperback), I poured my heart and soul into those pages to give you what I know.....that we are loved and our loved ones will reunite with us.

Stay curious. Stay compassionate. And may the light of experience guide you on your own path of healing and peace.
By following the guiding light of personal experience, skepticism can lead us to profound truths and soul growth. Join me on a journey through skepticism and compassion as we navigate the complexities of the world and uncover the beauty of truth. Do not follow one who would teach you to hate, or that you are better than your brother and sister. Seek a leader who teaches only compassion, tolerance, acceptance, and how to live together peacefully, please.
