Halloween for Adults!
Since I've been an adult, Halloween has taken on a different meaning for me. Sure, as a kid it was about the candy. Now, as the candy supplier, it is a focus of love and fulfillment.
I love looking at the eyes behind a mask filled with anticipation for my reaction. And the brave without a mask with their favorite costume stare me, asking, what do you think??? Trick or Treat? Trick or Treat?
I Make this Holiday About Joy and Sharing Laughter.
In honor of bringing this celebration into my work, I am offering you something special for the occasion. I used to provide group readings for the holiday where everyone received a message. That sometimes stopped me from saying what I was seeing if it was too personal to share with a group. I have seen up to 70 people in one night at public events. I didn't talk much the next day and that is too energy draining to continue. I don't simply throw Tarot cards when I give messages from the Light, Divine Guidance, and Communications with Departed Loved Ones. So, when using the skills/gifts that I have, I prefer to speak with people on-to-one.
A thirty or sixty minute reading is at a reduced fee. If you are interested, contact me to find out what your treat is...........and no tricks! You have to email....no doorbell ringing!
May Love and Joy Be Your Daily Companions, Barbara Gail