A Channeled Message with Alora of Jupiter, higher self to Barbara Gail, on 1/11/2025
“Great Spirit, Tunkashila, White Buffalo Calf Woman, Sun, moon, waters, mountains and streams, stars that light our sky, all given for our sustenance and beauty.
Forgive us our ignorance and disregard for your welfare. Forgive us our lack of love.
We are trying to awaken from our slumber, not the sleep of death that consumes the physical body, but that of apathy that destroys the soul.
Help us to return to nature, and to our nature to love. We weep for the ones who laugh in our faces when we speak of the rolling thunder to come. A time of quickening and reckoning.
The soul will not and cannot be replaced by shiny objects whirling and speeding, emitting facts, and figures with numbers promising to resolve the ills of all men.
Spirit is Love and love has an obligation, a duty, a calling to replace steel with itself- Spirit. Other civilizations which fell prey to the false glimmer of artificial knowledge died, to be reborn and to attempt once again to master life.
Do not be swept away in tides of relentless temptations, leading only to drowning in an ocean devoid of the Light. Love. Love the Light your Source and Creator that lives in you.”
— Alora and Barbara